Jan '15
The Kitchen, Bathroom & Bedroom Specialists Association (Kbsa) has reported another new corporate member has joined.
BWT UK Limited is part of the Best Water Technology (BWT) Group, Europe’s leading water technology company. Founded by Joh. A. Benckiser in Schriesheim, Germany in 1823, the group sales have steadily grown to over € 507,7 million last year, the group employs 2.643 people. The UK arm BWT UK Limited is leading the UK in water treatment technology, supplying safe, high quality water treatment products for domestic and commercial use.
‘The product offering includes Luxury Water appliances for the whole home and filtered drinking water for the kitchen’. As a market leading brand, they will work closely with the Association to bring their brand messages in front of some of the UK’s leading independent specialists.
Malcolm Scott, Commercial Director, Swift Electrical, and KBSA Corporate Chair – Suppliers, said ‘It’s always great to see brands with innovative and desirable products joining the association, the Associations Retail Member showrooms are the ideal place to showcase sophisticated lifestyle choice products, with many brands now relying on the specialist showroom to display and promote their innovative products with complete professionalism.
I know BWT will work closely with KBSA retail members to exploit all the opportunities that undoubtedly exist.’ Jon Wicks, Managing Director, BWT-UK, sees it as very much a two way street with BWT providing members the chance to tap into a range of luxury water products with compelling arguments which will protect and enhance the investments their customer make in their home. He hopes in turn for a broadening of access to BWTs proven luxury water softeners and drinking water products and open feedback on customer and market attitudes.
With market leading warranties (up to 5 years), free at home commissioning and unrivalled field and after sales support the BWT range is a natural fit for many KBSA members. Finally, Jon Wicks said: ‘Now is a great time for us to both understand the KBSA members’ requirements and to reveal BWT’s new initiatives. We hope that by bringing together their local knowledge and our own water treatment experience, we will be able to educate consumers to the simple benefits of BWT luxury water - the UK’s best kept secret’.