Jun '15
The Kitchen, Bathroom & Bedroom Specialists Association (Kbsa) has announced that it wholeheartedly supports the current investigation by BBC Watchdog into practices available from some retailers who sell kitchens (and bathrooms).
The standards operated by KBSA independent specialists should be the minimum acceptable level across the industry to ensure consumers do not get ‘ripped off’ with unprofessional and incomplete quotes, shoddy workmanship, poor customer relations and non-existent after sales support, which seem to be so prevalent in some of today’s sellers.
Stats show that the highest number of downloads from the new ‘brochure warehouse’ on the KBSA website are for the KBSA Code of Practice, the new Consumer Guide and Customer Charter – which reflects how useful these are for consumers researching any project. They can be accessed by visiting the KBSA website at www.kbsa.org.uk
Graham Ball, Chief Executive Officer, said ‘The KBSA Code of Practice has been developed over many years, and is designed to ensure that consumers on their buying journey enjoy the experience – rather than endure a journey hi-jacked by the cowboy element still in our industry. Our Code, supported by our updated Consumer Guide, has been designed to help consumers through the process, by giving them tips and hints to use, and be aware of, as this type of project is, by its very nature, complicated and stressful. Unlike some organisations, you cant just send us a cheque and get KBSA membership, our vetting process is substantial, and when accepted, this vetting process is continuous on both financial and performance fronts.’