Traditional Vs Contemporary Kitchen

Jul '14
Consider your house as a whole when planning a kitchen – if you want your house to look as if all the rooms belong under the one room, install a kitchen in-keeping with the feel that you currently have. For example, in a character cottage you don’t have to stick to completely traditional, but something like a shiny post-modern German kitchen would look simply out of place. This also wouldn’t attract buyers when it comes time to move on. Know how you live in your kitchen – will this be the heart of the home? Do you want to live and eat there? Will you need social space too? Do you entertain much? Will the children play in the kitchen? How much storage will you need? All these things dictate the ultimate look and feel.
Look at the list below and see what words appeal most to you – this may stir some emotions and guide you a little further along the path:
Ultra-modern – epitomised by German manufacturing – think sleek surfaces, reflective materials. Bold colours or stark white. Clean lines, minimalistic and maybe even touches of industrial.
Contemporary – Functional, practical but still inviting. Clean but not cold. Colourful perhaps. Sophisticated, chunky, glass, stainless steel. Practical accessories, knife blocks, modern art.
Traditional – think hand-painted, warm, cosy, wood (painted or plain), rustic, old-world, safe, inviting. Colours like pale blue, green, cream and yellow. Accessories like wicker baskets, china and wooden chests.
If you really do find it too hard to make a definitive decision, you could always opt for a combination of the two. It does not usually work to add traditional touches into an ultra-modern kitchen, but a traditional style kitchen could certainly be accessorised with modern handles, work surfaces, flooring and cooker, in order to create an exclusive custom made kitchen for your home.
Whatever your choice – always take expert advice, especially if you’re going down the combination route. Designers at independent retailers have seen it all before, and should have great ideas on how to make things work for you.
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