5 Ways To Warm Your Home Without Increasing Bills

Jan '19
Winter is a time to stay in and make the most of your beautiful home. However, it can also be a time when the bills get more expensive. Make the most of our clever solutions and innovative design tips to ensure you stay warm without this happening.
1) Install a ceiling fan
Ceiling fans are known for their cooling capabilities, but did you know they can also be used to heat up a room? Reversing the direction of a fan to spin clockwise means that cooler air is pulled up and higher, warmer air flows down.
For more information on using ceiling fans in winter, explore Ideal Home’s guide.
2) Make the most of your oven
Nothing beats a delicious, hot meal in the midst of winter, but the advantages don’t stop at your taste buds. If you’re using your oven to roast or bake your dinner, make the most of your oven’s heat by leaving the door open after your meal is cooked.
This will spread the heat into your kitchen, ensuring you have a cosy meal around the table. However, it’s important to bear in mind that you should only leave the door open when the oven has been switched off and never use a gas oven to heat your home as this will produce dangerous levels of carbon monoxide.
3) Invest in a rug
A rug can be a vital interior design feature that ties a room’s aesthetics together and helps to create a colour scheme for your house. Rugs also reduce echo, soaking up sounds by ensuring they don’t bounce off hardwood floors. If that’s not enough to convince you, they can also combat fatigue if you find yourself walking around the house for large periods of the day.
But what do rugs have to do with warming a house, you ask? Well, rugs block cold air from entering your house through cracks in the floor and protect your feet from hard flooring. A thick rug will insulate your home, making sure as little heat as possible escapes.
4) Are your windows fit for winter?
There are many ways in which you can utilise your windows to maximise your home’s temperature without cranking up the heating. Make sure you protect your home with thick, thermal curtains. During the day, keep these open to attract the sun’s heat, but close them as soon as nightfall to keep the cold away.
If you notice a lot of heat is escaping through your windows, it might be time to invest in double glazing. While a seemingly costly step, it will save you money in the long run. If you want to take extra care, you can also utilise weather stripping, cellular shades and window coverings.
5) Make full use of your radiators
In times of extreme drops in temperature, it’s necessary to turn the heating on. But is your home getting the full benefits from your radiators? Make sure there is nothing blocking your radiators. The last thing you need is for your furniture to be absorbing the heat you want spreading around your home.
If you’re still not feeling as warm as you should be with the heating on, you may need to bleed your radiators to clear them of trapped air bubbles.
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