How to Start a Decorating Project 21
Nov '17

Are you in the process of revitalising your home with new interior designs? As you probably know, this is an exciting project that requires a committed and consistent approach, and it can often be difficult to know where to begin. This is when organisation, in particular the prioritisation of tasks, becomes essential.

Below, we go through the creative and practical process to revitalising your home both efficiently and successfully.

A Blank Canvas Approach

Begin with asking yourself what you don't like about your home, and what you could dispose of or replace. Decorating a room is easier with a blank canvas, you may not want to change everything but decluttering the space as much as possible will allow you to realise its potential. So, if you have items that have lost their appeal - such as bulky furnishings or out-dated accessories - moving them will help your design plans get off to a quick start.

Some people are anxious about moving objects in a room for fear that it will alter the space’s balance or appeal, however, sometimes it’s necessary for a home to appear empty before it can be given life. Choose to look at that empty space on the wall as a source for inspiration, rather than a sorry sight in a room that is due a makeover anyway. 

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Be a Cautious Buyer

After figuring out what your home doesn't need, it's time to decide what it does require. This step takes time and caution, especially in terms of aspects such as colour changes and furniture. A useful technique is to start thinking about design ideas during a point at which seasons will cross-over. For example, we feel different in summer than winter, so completing the process across seasons allows you to see how your taste changes.

You can track this further by creating a mood book with colours and textures that appeal to you as the weather changes.

Don't Miss an Opportunity

It's common that we see things we like when we're not actively searching for them. Next time you spot an attractive item that isn't on your priority list, consider making the purchase and redecorating around it, thus ensuring you're able to capture a style sense that truly speaks to you.

However, if you're in a shop and don't know if you should make a purchase – walk away. Some people make the mistake of buying items that they regret then not returning them, which is a waste of resources. Acting on impulse and failing to embrace the flow of creativity will only hamper your decorating demands. 

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Share Responsibility

If you share the space with your partner, friend, and/or family, then be sure to consult them, even if they suggest they're happy for you to make the decisions. You'll have to live with your decisions for a long time, so you don't want to risk finding out that there are design features that are displeasing to your loved ones later down the line.

What You Want and What You Can Afford

Once you have an idea of what you'd like for your home, start looking into what the costs will be. You'll want your home’s new interior to be everything it can be within your budget, but first you need to understand what would be your ultimate remodel.

The best way to approach this is to have two lists – what you'd like with an unlimited budget and what you can do with the budget you have. It's at this point – when you identify what you want - that determination kicks in and your chances of finding a better or equally as good subsidiary increases. Solutions can often be found with a simple Google search, for example.

Seek Advice and Support

Our retailers are always on hand to advise on everything from budget and design to storage solutions and the final installation.

Want your home design project to be a smooth process that results in a stunning end result you can be proud to utilise every day? Don’t hesitate to locate one of our experienced retailers today!

Pictures supplied by:

Mike Hughes Kitchens & Bedrooms Limited 

J & S Kitchens Ltd 

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