Kbsa Launches Package of Support for Members in Response to COVID-19 18
Mar '20

The Kbsa has issued a package of support for members to help them deal with the COVID-19 crisis.

Members have access to an emergency advice line for expert HR and health & safety support from business partner Croner. Croner has also issued a number of guidance notes which have also been sent to members.

The Kbsa has signposted members to official advice from the government, to avoid mis-information, and urged them to contact their banks to access details about the latest financial packages announced to support businesses.

In addition to this the Kbsa has established a ‘Buddy System’ to offer support and advice to retailers.

Kbsa national chair Richard Hibbert said, “All businesses face a period of uncertainty but as an association we can work together and help navigate the choppy waters ahead. On a practical level we can provide our members with direct and easy access to all the advice and tools available to help them keep their businesses running.

“Our new Buddy System offers more than just business support, it gives members an opportunity to talk and share their concerns, it lets them know that they are not alone.

“We want to remind members that this crisis will pass, the Kbsa is taking all necessary steps to support members, and whilst no one can predict the future we hope UK businesses will come through this challenging time stronger than ever.”

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