Sep '15
The KBSA have said that this year’s AGM, National Meeting and Networking Dinner excelled the success of last year’s. Attended by over 40 retailers, and almost 50 corporates, there were 120 delegates in attendance.
Following the formal business, there were updates from the Kbsa presented by Tina Riley, Kbsa National Chair and Simon Acres, Kbsa Corporate Chair, on the market opportunities for members, as well as from Renee Mascari, CEO of the kbbNTG, who updated the meeting on the KBBNTG and of course, the Foundation Degree Course. Joining Ren, Bev Smith, Martin Thomas and Jenna Milne from Denmore Kitchens gave feedback on the benefits of Jenna studying the foundation Degree Course.
Tina Riley was re-elected as National Chair of the Association for a further 12 months, and all existing Regional Chairs were unanimously re-elected.
Guest speakers included Richard Willett, legal expert from Croner and Darren Hedgley, pension specialist from Punter Southall, who both presented crucial updates to ensure compliance for running a small business. Richard Hibbert of KSL, who spoke about the ‘Yellow Pages’ effect and changes made to his family business which led to higher business levels. Todd, Director of Spaghetti Agency spoke about the benefits of social media and how best to use it to maximise your business.
The final speakers were Vanessa Brady OBE and Jonathan Winchester, founder of UK Shopper Anonymous, who gave an upbeat and entertaining presentation on the importance of the customer journey .
The meeting was followed by the annual Networking Dinner and Awards presentations – see separate release.
Ruth Ward , Sales & Marketing Director, ‘This year’s meeting followed the success of 2014, we were very pleased with the quality of presentations and topics , all of which were relevant to helping our members run their businesses better . The feedback from members was excellent, and we know that delegates all took several things away from the presentations to help them improve their own businesses.