Kbsa’s Support Continues as Members Get Back to Work

Jun '20
The Kbsa has announced a series of new webinars and support as its retail members begin to open showrooms.
A programme of webinars has been launched for June covering a range of HR and business advice as members begin to re-open the workplace. Provided by the Kbsa’s partner Croner, the five webinars will cover topics such as redundancy, flexible working, resolving disputes and clarity about employees’ annual leave rights.
The Kbsa is continuing the weekly Zoom meetings for members and has introduced a new session for those members in Scotland.
“With the end of lockdown in sight and new government guidelines for shops on how to operate safely during coronavirus, it is vital that our members have access to the latest guidance and support,” says Kbsa national chair Richard Hibbert.
“Our webinars and guidance will be relevant for those currently open and those that are closed, helping them to consider what their operations need to look like when they are ready to open.
“We are still operating in unchartered waters and we remain focused on supporting our members during this difficult period.”
“We are issuing regular updates and working with Croner so that our members can stay up to date and understand how schemes like the furlough are changing as quickly as possible.”