
The Kbsa is a trade association who may be able to help consumers who have a dispute with a retail member company. We offer a free conciliation service whereby we will endeavour to assist to resolve a dispute between consumers and member companies. A consumer is defined as a private individual who has entered into a contract with a member, and has not made the contract in the course of a business.

Below are areas where the Kbsa Disputes Service is not able to assist :-
• The work carried out by a retailer started before they became a member of the Kbsa.
• The company/retailer has ceased to be a member of the Kbsa.
• You have not tried to resolve the dispute directly in writing with the member.
• The work carried out by our member has been rectified or completed by another third party.
• You do not want the Kbsa member to return to site.
• The dispute is being considered by another ADR body.
• The dispute is being considered by the Courts.
• The dispute is regarding compensation or financial disagreements.
• You have sought legal advice.
• You have instructed a legal advisor.
The Kbsa is not responsible for paying compensation or making a financial award on behalf of its members. 
The Kbsa is unable to provide on-site inspections or on-site consultations. However, a referral can be made to an independent expert where appropriate. There will be a fee levied by the expert for this service.


The Disputes Service offers a free conciliation service. We will acknowledge receipt of your completed form and pass the relevant details from your form to our member. The member has 14 days to respond from the date the Kbsa sends this information.
If the Kbsa is unable to reconcile the dispute then we will refer the parties to independent mediation and/or arbitration. The Kbsa uses ‘Focus Mediation’ who will make a nominal charge for these services.
Both arbitration and mediation are independent services available to Kbsa members and their clients. However the Kbsa has no responsibility for these services and their outcome. You can of course consider court action.
The Kbsa will not consider disputes if the parties have sought legal advice or instructed a solicitor.
The use of the independent arbitration or mediation services would still be available as appropriate.
Please answer all sections on the form and if necessary provide supporting papers. We will retain the information that you supply for the period of six years from the date of receipt of your complaint. Other than described above, we will not supply your information to any third parties without consent unless we are legally obliged to do so.
Our members are expected to adhere to the KBSA Code of Practice. We can, if appropriate, refer the Member’s conduct to the Kbsa Board for consideration for breaches of our Rules and/or our Code of Practice. This is an internal matter between the Kbsa and its member and will be dealt with after the dispute service has come to a conclusion.
The Kbsa is committed to providing quality services for the benefit of all users. However, violence, aggression, abuse (be it psychological, physical, sexual or verbal) bullying, harassment or intimidation will not be tolerated against members and members of staff under any circumstances. The Kbsa reserves the right to withdraw any services and individuals could be reported to the police.


In order to submit a complaint to the Kbsa please click here to download the disputes form. All sections need to be completed and returned to the Kbsa
