Designing a Home Office
With more and more people working from home, the home office is fast becoming an important space within a house. Whatever you use your home office for, paying bills or running a business, there are some basic tips to consider before getting started:
Identify the space
Are you using a spare bedroom, a space at the top or bottom of the stairs or corner of the kitchen? If you plan to spend a lot of time at your home office then it is best to use the area that provides the most space and the best view.
Plan your space
Consider all of the items you will need around you in order to work effectively. Ensure your lighting is suitable and the temperature of the room/space is comfortable. Think about the flooring – there is nothing worse than your desk chair constantly catching on trailing wires or extra thick carpet.
Are you sitting comfortably?
Select a chair that is comfortable and ensure it is set at the correct height for you so that you do not get any back or neck pain whilst working. Ensure your chair offers both back and arm support.
A space to write
Your writing area needs to be big enough that you can write and take notes easily. It also should be at the correct height.
Ensure you have enough filing and other storage so that everything can be kept in order, as this is the only way to work effectively!